Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Day 74 - March 13, 2016 Driving home stopping at Mountain Top Rest Area, Pennsylvania

When we left at 9 am there were  overcast skies and rain predicted later in the day. Once again we ran into a ton of traffic but still managed to drive over 400 miles.

We stopped for  the night at the Mountain Top rest area in PA at 6 pm.The rest area 38 miles back was full but we managed to get the one remaining spot at Mountain Top.

We were parked next to a truck with a cooler on the back and the refrigeration unit  ran all night. It was really noisy so we didn't think we would get much sleep. We have decided that we aren't crazy about rest areas but in the northeast there are no CG's open! We should be home by tomorrow afternoon and hopefully the weather won't get any worse then it is.

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