Monday, February 1, 2016

Day 31 - January 29, 2016 ----- Cedar Key RV Resort, Cedar Key, Florida

Despite the CG being full it sure is quiet here. Most of the people are staying for the winter (3-5 months). Not sure what they do but it looks like they just hang around their camp sites the majority of the time. We don't think we are quite ready to do that yet. Maybe if  we had a site overlooking the ocean we would think differently.The closest grocery store is 20 miles as is anything else. 

Today we took a ride into Cedar Key to look around. I'm not sure what we were expecting, maybe something like Key West,  but it wasn't even close. Cedar Key is pretty run down with most storefronts closed - permanently. It is an old fishing village that has seen its' day. We walked around and found a small unassuming beach area that we will return to another day.

There are a list of Rules Posted Regarding Protecting Pelican

We stopped for lunch at one of the two eateries still open for business - Carlin's Steak House. The food was great and prices not bad.

We then toured the island and noticed that many of the residents here drive around in golf carts. It felt strange to be sharing the roads with so many golf carts.

There is a very nice airport at one end of the island that is privately owned by the residents who live adjacent  to it with planes. Must be nice! The homes by the airport were really nice - a contrast to the rest of the island. 

Penny the Chicken Sitting on the Manatee
We stopped to talk to a woman who was taking a picture of the manatee. There was a stuffed chicken on top of the statue. She informed us that the chicken was traveling with her and she was getting as m
any pictures of the chicken in different spots for the people at work. Cute!We were so engrossed in conversation with her we forgot to get Ron's signature photo with a statue. LOL 

It was a nice day out and back at the CG we  sat in the sun and read for the rest of the afternoon. Tomorrow will be checking out the Shell Mound. More on that later.

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